Thursday, April 10, 2008

My blog - Update 1

Puuh, been working with the blog today and still
going strong. I will focus on making the blog
a bit prettier with more pictures, and less
textlinks. I will also change a bit of the
codeparts, but nothing major.

Oh, and a small note. A few of my things
has been shipped now, so look forward for new
pictures next week!


gordon said...

thanks for including me in your blogroll. i'll do the same when i get back home tonight. ^^;

Panther said...

Good to be updating once in a while. At least you do not have problems with an irritating alarm like I do. And lots of code to worry about. >_<

Also, that is a lot of goods you ordered.

Timotei said...

No problem Gordon. ^^,
Gonna put you in my blog to today, Panther.

Yeah, I'm gonna try and update each month. I wanna keep the blog fresh.

Yeah, april is a sick month for me, and my wallet. T_T

gordon said...

lol, all our faces become XD in the banner. ^^;

Timotei said...

Yeah, the XD is my standard for banners if the blogs doesn't have a banner that I can use as a banner.

Puh, never written banner so many times.

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear people are still updating their blogs. Even making improvements. For me, I don't know how to improve or can't think of a good way to improve it. I hope your site well.