Monday, March 31, 2008

Why Toyslogic, why?

Ah, Togi-chan kawaii.  Fortune Arterial, nice game.

The end of march is here, and that means a sh*tload of
merchandise for me, or at least so I thought.

I looked over all my orders for this month and now
Toyslogic moved a few of them to april, which is
stupid. If it says 31 march, then release it 31 march,
dammit! Well, at least Hobby Search, Hobby Link and
Rightstuf are on the spot. Hopefully this week, I will have
a few things to show in my blog.

April is gonna be a sweet month aswell, I will
recieve even more merchandise this month (if Toys 
isn't toying with me)  and of course GTA IV will
be released, finally. And of course we got alot of new
anime airing, which will hopefully be better than the
start of this year. So far I liked 5 of the new series,
need more epic ones.

Anyway, good year so far.

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